Highway Superintendent:
Chris Howser
200 S Lincoln Rm 202 West Point, NE
OFFICE: (402)372-6008 | MOBILE: (402)380-2582 | FAX: (402)372-6013

Weed Superintendent:
Daniel Niemeyer
701 Hwy 275 Wisner, NE
OFFICE: (402)529-6213 | MOBILE: (402)922-1857


The Highway Superintendent is responsible for:

  • Maintenance and improvement of County highways and bridge system,
  • Advising County Supervisors on road issues,
  • Maintaining current knowledge of State road and bridge laws, and
  • Managing employees and activities of the department.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Managing the activities of the department; planning projects and setting priorities; assessing available resources; letting projects for bid and performing liaison duties with contractors and construction companies; assigning special projects as required.
  • Controlling day-to-day activities through supervision, approves hires and disciplinary actions, evaluates both written and orally performances of employees and department activities.
  • Prepares budget, 1 & 6 year road plan, annual budget reports. Tracks equipment, manages workers hours (vacation, sick)
  • Advises Supervisors on road and bridge building projects; authorizes expenditures of funds over a specified amount, oversees execution and completion of projects, answers questions, makes suggestions and provides information as requested.
  • Acts as official representative by receiving and responding to inquires, complaints and suggestions from officials and general public; holds public hearings on proposed projects, issues press releases to the news media.
  • Administratively reports to the County Board. Executes related responsibilities as assigned or required.
  • Obtaining and holding Class A or B Highway Superintendent license.



The Weed Superintendent is responsible for:

  • Being certified, in writing, by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture as a commercial applicator.
  • Examining all lands under the jurisdiction of the control authority to determine if the Noxious Weed Control Act and the rules and regulations are being complied with.
  • Compiling infestation data and other reports as the Director of Agriculture or control authority may require.
  • Supervising and carrying out the coordinated control program within the county.
  • Completing 20 hours of continuing education, annually.
  • Ascertaining and tabulating the approximate amount and location of land infested with noxious weeds in the county, annually.
  • Ascertaining and preparing information required by the county board for preparation of the county budget.

Road Dept Notice to Bidders – Bridge Project C00202110P – Junction Highway 275 and Beemer Road

Mowing Ditches
Public Notice

The Cuming County Board of Supervisors reminds all landowners that it is the duty of the landowners to mow weeds on all public roads running along their lands at least twice each year, which should be sometime in July for the first time and sometime in September for the second time.  Trees and brush, including plum brush, also need to be removed. Particular care must be given to intersections. If the landowner does not mow the weeds and remove trees, bushes and brush, the County Board can file with the County Clerk the cost and such expense can be assessed to the landowner. On township roads, through the Township Boards, the same procedure can be followed. State Statute 39-1811.

Encroaching on Road Right-of-Way
Public Notice

The Board of Supervisors and your Township Board want to bring to your attention that property owners need to be following State Statute 39-301, “Any person who injures or obstructs a public road by felling a tree or trees in, upon, or across the same, by placing or leaving any other obstruction thereon, by encroaching upon the same with any fence, crop planting, by plowing or digging any ditch or other opening thereon” is a Class V misdemeanor. “Any officer in charge of road work, after having given reasonable notice to the owners of the obstruction or person so obstructing or plowing or digging ditches upon such road, may remove any such fence or other obstruction, fill up any such ditch or excavation, and recover the necessary cost of such removal from such owner or other person obstructing such road, to be collected by such officer in an action in county court.”  This also includes planting of high crops that will obstruct vision at intersections.

Use of the road right-of-way is restricted to the township and county for maintenance only. The County or your township is attempting to clean and maintain the ditches that they are responsible for, and obstructions that you place in that right-of-way will be covered by the above-mentioned statute. Normal right-of-way extends 33’ from the center of the road.