West Point – Beemer – Bancroft — TeamMates Mentoring Program is celebrating over 25 years of serving youth. The mission of the TeamMates Mentoring Program is to impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential.
Dr. Tom and Nancy Osborne started TeamMates in 1991 with 22 members of the University of Nebraska football team. Those team members mentored a seventh or eighth grade boy at a Lincoln middle school until graduation. 21 of those students graduated from high school, and 18 went on to college.
Right now, TeamMates is serving close to 12,000 youth in more than 130 communities across Nebraska, Iowa, and surround states. Mentors meet with their mentees one-on-one in school, once a week, during the academic year.
“We don’t do this for the accolades, but when your mentee does say ‘thank you’, it touches you to your core,” Mentor Giovanni Jones said.
Mentees can be nominated one of three ways. They can be nominated by a parent, a school staff member, or self-nomination. Mentors are not tutors, counselors, nor are they there to “fix” anything— they’re there to be friends. Mentors are matched with mentees based on interests and life experiences.
The West Point – Beemer – Bancroft Chapter was founded in 2006 and currently serves 50 students. To become a mentor, go to teammates.org.
To schedule an interview about the TeamMates Mentoring Program, please contact Addisen Johnson at wpbbteammates@gmail.com or 372.6010
The West Point – Beemer –Bancroft Chapter was introduced by the Juvenile Awareness Group. Wisner Chapter was in place before the start of the County Chapter.
Tom and Nancy Osborne founded the TeamMates Mentoring Program in 1991 in an effort to provide support and encouragement to school-aged youth. The goal of the program is to see youth graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education. To reach this goal, youth meet one time per week with a caring adult who serves as a mentor. Mentors are volunteers from the community who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the life of a young person. Mentors give youth a sense of hope, purpose and vision.
Both youth and mentors benefit from the mentoring relationship. Youth benefit by receiving encouragement and guidance from a caring adult. Mentors report building a sense of morals, teamwork, and productivity.
A TeamMates Mentor is someone who provides a young person with support, friendship, and a positive example. TeamMates Mentors want to help young people reach their full potential.