Employee Directory

Elected County Officials:

Ashley Marks | Treasurer | treasurer@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6011

Addisen Johnson | Clerk | clerk@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6002

Brad Boyum | Sheriff | sheriff@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6019

Cherie Kreikemeier | Assessor | assessor@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6000

Dan Bracht | County Attorney | dan.bracht@brachtlaw.com | 402-372-5500

Glen Wiechman | Board of Supervisors | gwiechman@cumingcounty.ne.gov

Jeanette Norton | Clerk of the District Court | jeanette.norton@nejudicial.gov | 402-372-6004

Judy Mutzenberger | Board of Supervisors | jmutzenberger@cumingcounty.ne.gov

Maynard Munderloh | Board of Supervisors | mmunderloh@cumingcounty.ne.gov

Nick Seery | County Surveyor | nseery@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-380-6736

Norbert Holtz | Board of Supervisors | nholtz@cumingcounty.ne.gov

Mark Schweers | Board of Supervisors | mschweers@cumingcounty.ne.gov 

Steve Meister | Board of Supervisors | smeister@cumingcounty.ne.gov

Chad Dixon | Board of Supervisors | cdixon@cumingcounty.ne.gov

Department Managers/Coordinators:

Becky Lerch | Planning, Zoning & Floodplain Administrator | zoning@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6008

Brian Fischer | Grounds & Maintenance Supervisor | bfischer@cumingcounty.ne.gov

Chris Howser | County Highway Superintendent | chowser@cumingcounty.ne.gov402-372-6008

David Branch | Economic Development Director | cceddirector@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6001

Steve Schwer | Veterans Service Office | schwer@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6012

Brad Boyum | Emergency Management Director | ccem@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-3163

Mary Jo Lueckenhoff | Nebraska Extension Office Coordinator | mlueckenhoff1@unl.edu | 402-372-6006

Nicole Lund | E911 Dispatch | Head Dispatcher | e911dispatch@cumingcounty.ne.gov | 402-372-6009

Sandy Meyer | Clerk Magistrate | County Court | sandy.meyer@nejudicial.gov | 402-372-6003

Wendy Ridder | Deputy County Attorney | wendy.ridder@brachtlaw.com| 402-372-5500